Chromavis, a leader in the cosmetics sector, commissioned Baraclit a € 30.000 sqm landmark development. Baraclit will play the role of main contractor.
Dianax has been nominated the # 1 Start-up at BigBooster International Start-Up Acceleration Program in Lyon this week. ( ). Out of the 250 startups participating from Europe, Middle East and Africa, dianax ranked among the best
The Italian financial journal Il Sole 24 Ore on its Magazine Platinum – Aziende & Protagonisti (Platinum – Companies and Business Leaders, in its English version) has published today a one-page article on Dianax in the issue of March 2018 under the section of the
Si è chiusa con l’accento sull’innovazione la quarta edizione di Meet in Italy for Life Sciences. Il meeting, organizzato a Torino da Confindustria Piemonte, Polo di innovazione sulla salute BioPmed (gestito dal Bioindustry Park Silvano Fumero), Cluster tecnologico nazionale Scienze della
Debutto a piazza Affari per Spactiv, la spac promossa da Borletti Group e Milano Capital. «Abbiamo potuto creare un book con investitori inusuali per una Spac e molto equilibrato, composto da una quota di fondi internazionali, fondi di grandi dimensione,
Baraclit Spa reported € 63,4 revenues in 2016, up 11% from € 63,4m revenues in 2015 and got back to a positive net income of € 0,2m. Baraclit is the leading manufacturer of concrete prefabricated buildings for the industrial and
DIANAX is a company founded in 2003, focused on the development and manufacturing of portable devices for clinical diagnostics. The devices are lab-on-chip (term that refers to devices that integrate one or several laboratory functions on a single chip), inexpensive and reliable, which
Milano Capital agreed to support a major international investor in scouting companies in Italy for acquisitions in the Food& Beverage space. Target companies will have an EBITDA of at least € 10m and prospects for profitable growth. Transactions considered are